झारखण्ड प्रोफाइल
The new State of Jharkhand in India was formed in November 2000.
Jharkhand meaning "forest tract" is the ancient name given, as a whole, to the forested upland geographically known as the Chota Nagpur Plateau forming the north-eastern portion of the Peninsular Plateaus of India. It is a region of great uneveness consisting of a succession of plateaus, hills and valleys, drained by several large rivers such as the Damodar,Barakar, Subarnarekha, Brahmani, Baitarani and Mahanadi. In its physical features, in its geological formation, in its botanical products and in its mineral wealth, in its ethnological peculiarities,in its social and political history, this area presents a striking contrast to the rest of Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, and Madhya Pradesh, of which it forms a part.
The landlocked State of Jharkhand endowed with heterogenous landscape, huge natural resources,dominance of aboriginal's habitat and their culture is an unique geographical unit. Heterogeneity is observed in geological formations, physical appearance and the pattern of development. This part of the country is an integral portion of the peninsular highland, part of ancient Gondwanaland, portrays areas formed of rock formations ranging from the earliest Archean Era to the latest Post-tertiary period. A few industrial centers that are enlisted in the major industries of the world such as Bokaro Steel Plant, Heavy Engineering Corporation at Ranchi, Jamshedpur Industrial Complex, etc.
Jharkhand is store house of minerals and forest resources. It is the richest State in terms of mineral resources and plays leading role in production. It leads other States in the output of coal, mica, iron ore, copper, china clay, fire clay, and kyanite, while it is one of the important producers of bauxite, asbestos, felspar, quartz, etc. In terms of forest products this State does not lack behind any State. It leads other States in the production of lac contributing about 40% of the total output of the country. This State also contributes in the production of sal, timber, bamboos and Sabai grass.